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Happy Kids with Books



The question I attempt to answer through this Creative Synthesis Project is: How can school libraries and knowledgeable media specialists benefit students and staff to cultivate literacy for lifelong learning?


My rationale for this project stems from the increasing trend of schools' libraries not appearing at the top of their priority list. I began to recognize that when difficult budget cut decisions were made, the library was often the first to go. Or, when a school lacks space, the library is usually the first to get moved into a storage room, closet, or removed from the school entirely. Throughout the duration of the NLGL program, I began to truly recognize that the school library is much more than just a place that students and teachers can check out books. It is a place that requires a professional library media specialist to “…support learning opportunities with books, computer resources, and more… [it’s been proven to make] students learn more, get better grades, and score higher on standardized tests [compared to] their peers in schools without good libraries” (School Libraries Work!, 2008). Even in the technology age that we live in, libraries are still incredibly beneficial to students. Quality libraries should be equipped with both computers and books. It is important for students to know how to research from both traditional print, as well as, through technological resources.  Students developing those technological skills are a necessity to succeed in college and career levels in the 21st century.


My findings have indicated that when teachers and certified library media specialist collaborate together that the students benefit greatly. Each school needs a well-equipped library: full of books, that include classics and new releases, technology, tables for students to collaborate, a comfortable area for students to lounge in, and most importantly, a qualified library media specialist who is eager to work with teachers and advocate for students. I recognize that many still think that libraries are just about books, but it goes way beyond that. Libraries place an importance on collaboration, technology, research, and reading.

Technology at School
Teenagers in Library
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